
Chapter 4 : The Use of Non-Traditional Medium in Doll Making with

Children Who Have Experienced Trauma

Author: Divya (MA, AThR)


Found objects can be used in multitudinous forms within the context of therapy, one of them being in the art of doll making. Doll making is a powerful and under-researched topic that derives its salubrious nature from the materials used.

Ranging from the basic materials such as recycled fabrics, beads and buttons, to more unconventional materials like rice, this chapter would take the readers through an exploration of these sensorial and symbolic articles. The unravelling of their significance and how these materials can be used in the process of therapeutic doll making, within the population of children who have experienced trauma, is ascertained within this chapter. Another key highlight is the cultural significance of these materials and how this, in turn, affects its therapeutic disposition, thus holding relevance to audiences from regions like Asia and Singapore. It is also written with the intention of inspiring practitioners and researchers to embark upon using these practices as part of their therapeutic intervention or research.